Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Packed and Ready

Well we are off early in the morning to Holbox, Mexico in search of the illusive Whale Shark. We have rented a house, Casa Blanca on Holbox for the week. Our group includes, Sue and Dave, Laurie and Chris, and Dale and I. Hope all goes according to plan.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hot and Humid Week

Well another week is gone and we are two weeks away from Holbox, Mexico and the Whale Shark Adventure. I have been busy working on the Australia/New Zealand trip, lots of time on the internet. Think I am on the downhill now, plans are coming together.
It has been really hot and humid, Dale has been busy mowing and shredding the pasture after all the rain.
We went dancing last night with Karen and Jimmy, had a good time. Tonight we are off to eat with the "Dive Gang", kinda a get together before our next trip.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Sun is Shining for the Moment

Well, we have finally seen the sun, if only briefly. We didn't quite get our inch of rain yesterday, but pretty darn close in a downpour. The grass is rapidly growing and I don't have a clue when it will be dry enough to mow. We might have to resort to bailing hay in the yard.
Another weekend that the weather has spoiled our flight plans. A trip yesterday to meet fellow friends and pilots in La Grange for lunch was canceled due to weather conditions. Cabin fever has set in around here, so bored last night we watched "Four Weddings and a Funeral" on television.
I worked on the Australia/New Zealand trip plans yesterday and talked with a Quantas Vacation specialist. Sounds like they may be the answer to my prayers.
Counting down now to our Holbox, Mexico trip, only three weeks away. Hope those darn whale sharks show up. I will be making final plans for our group and double checking all our plans - tours, transportation, and house rental. We are going with Sue and Dave, and Laurie and Chris, the dive gang.
We have "Lunch Bunch" this week among other things. Busy as usual!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Wet Weekend

Well it was a wet weekend and doesn't look much better for the week ahead. Friday night we went to a birthday party cookout for Ross out in the country. Spent Saturday working on the itinerary for our upcoming Australia/New Zealand trip. We got a call from friends and decided to join them at Bubba-Clydes for a country western dance featuring Tim Hall. Great music, but a real backwoods country bunch. Slept late on Sunday morning and pretty much chilled out all day. Last night we had torrential rains all night long. The rain guage had seven inches in it and ran over during the night.
We made it to the HealthPlex after lunch for a workout. Dale took a friend flying late this afternoon and I am expecting him home anytime.
We did finalize our plans for a "Floating on the Frio" trip with our friends Tim and Pam from Fort Worth for August. We are hoping for a good float this year, no draggin bottom.
I think we have found a place to get married in Port Douglas, Australia--The Pink Flamingo. I am working on getting a marriage celebrant now. Am I crazy trying to plan a wedding in Australia???