Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

SandFest 2009 - Port Aransas, Texas

SandFest 2009 in Port Aransas was on our agenda today. Thick fog blanketed Victoria, so we waited. When the fog lifted the winds began to blow, but we headed to the airport to warm up the plane and head South. We took off with winds 14 mph, gusting to 17 mph, and at 1,000 feet we found the winds to even be stronger. it wasn't good day for flying.....the winds were only going to get stronger. So we landed, put the plane in the hangar and headed out to Port Aransas in the truck.
As we neared the ferry to the island, a big sign stated it was 45 mins. from this point to the ferry. We could see an endless line of cars slowing inching along to the ferry landing. We joined in, and sure enough about 45 mins. later we were loaded on the ferry to cross the ship channel.
We drove down to the beach and found an long line of cars looking for parking spots, eventually we found one. The sun was shining, the wind blowing and the surf pounding along the Texas beach.
Walked among the sand sculpting entries, ranging from children's, amateur's, and professionals. We picked our favorites, took lots of pictures. We did learn that the wire sticking out of the tops of some of the works of art were to deter seagulls. Guess seagulls don't respect "Art" when they see it.
Dale got hungry and got us a couple of corn dogs with lots of mustard. I can't remember the last corn dog I had, but these were pretty darn good. I checked out the arts and crafts on sale at the vendor booths. A cute glass fish caught my eye and I talked with the artist from New Braunsfel that created these tiny creatures.
My favorite entry was of Jimmy Buffet and was called "Sandburger in Paradise", Dale liked one called "Time Consuming" which showed a man being swallowed by a large alarm clock.
We left the Sand Fest in search of a late lunch or an early dinner at Beach Station Bar and Grill.
Two orders of fried shrimp and all the trimmings, plus gallons of cold ice tea sure hit the spot.
Dale decided to skip the ferry line, which was very long and drive to Corpus and then head home.
We had a great day, I got a bunch of photos and we enjoyed a good meal in Port Aransas.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Shopping, Bluebonnets, and Bistro 108

Yesterday Karen and I drove up to the Round Top/Warrenton big semi-annual antique sale. We left early and enjoyed the drive up seeing big fields of bluebonnets in bloom...they must have gotten more rain than us down South. We started in Round Top at the craft market around the square, looking for something new and unique. The weather was perfect......sunny, cool, with a light breeze.
I found a cute shirt and some jewelry. We had lunch at Klumps, eating a hamburger outside while people watching. We then headed to Warrenton, were I got a pair of sandals, another shirt and Karen finally found a shirt she liked. We spent the rest of the afternoon wandering among all the booths, talking with vendors, and enjoying the weather.
We were talking to a couple that were selling cute glass bird feeders, looking at all of them, and walking around the booth when Karen informed me that I was standing very near a live bird.....Oh my gosh! I hadn't even noticed that I was so near a "Killer Bird". Karen thought it was very funny, grabbed my camera and took this photo to document the moment.

Our shopping done, we headed to La Grange for dinner at Bistro 108 and arrived in time for the early bird special. The food was great, Karen relished each spoon of her bisque and we split a piece of Coconut Cream Pie. We were lucky to get a table on the patio, and enjoyed a delicious meal. Stuffed we headed back to Victoria with our loot.