Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mom's Mystery Trip

To celebrate Mom's upcoming 82nd birthday I planned a "Mystery Trip" for her. We left early Friday morning in a light drizzle and headed North. She enjoyed the ride, didn't ask to many questions, as I told her I had a really nice tent campsite booked for us for the weekend. We arrived in Fredricksburg just after noon, had a delicious lunch at The Peach Tree Restaurant. After lunch we drove out to our the Pear Tree Cottage at the Chuckwagon Inn B & B and checked in.
It was a very cute cottage, with a huge canopy King size bed, a small kitchenette, a big whirlpool tub and a cozy fireplace....which came in very handy!!

After unpacking we toured the Hangar Hotel and restaurant at the airport, drove into town to check out things out. Becky, the owner of the B & B recommended the Der Lindenbaum for some good German food before the Rockbox Theater. The schnitzel, red cabbage and potatoes were to die for, and we left stuffed. We had reservations for the 8 pm performance at the Rockbox Theater, a musical production. The show was great, good music and lots of laughs.

The next morning Becky and Sam fixed us some Cheese Grits, Buttermilk Biscuits with Cream Gravy and Sausage Patties...with hot coffee and juice. We enjoyed breakfast with the other folks staying at the B & B, and Sam amused us with his stories. We had a full day planned, off we went to the James Avery Showroom, shopping on Main St., the Wildseed Farm, with several stops at local wineries, and a stop in Luchenbauch, Tx. Our last stop of the day was a 10 mile trek off the main highway, down a country curvy road, over one lane bridges and up and down lots of hills to the Alamo Springs General Store and Cafe for the "BEST" hamburger in Texas.

Mom thought I had lost my mind and was sure we would wind up lost or in San Antonio....but finally we pulled into the Cafe which was packed. We had a great hamburger, fries, onion rings, great music and even made some new friends. The band even dedicated a song to the two ladies that drove all the way from Victoria to hear them play. A beautiful bright orange moon was rising as we drove back to our cottage. We cranked up the fireplace and watched the Miss America pageant on TV before crashing.

Sunday morning we enjoyed a breakfast of a yummy Fritata, fried grit cakes, toast, Fredricksburg peach jelly and a peach crisp with lots coffee and juice sprinkled with Sam's colorful stories. Soon it was time to head home....the "Mystery Trip" was over.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ringing in the New Year in Curacao!

Our flight to Curacao was short and sweet, with our rental car waiting in the parking lot. After a brief stop at the only grocery store open we headed to Westpunt, and All West Apartments. We arrived, and were pleasantly surprised to find a wonderful apartment with a million dollar view of the Caribbean. We unpacked, made a trip to the dive shop, Ocean Encounters West to make sure everything was set with them. That evening we had some great pizza at Sol Food with Sunshine. Up early, we made a trip back into to town for a shopping trip to the Centrum market. Since we had a full kitchen, a great balcony with a nice patio table and chairs.....almost every meal was outside. Sure was nice sipping a hot cup of coffee in the morning, enjoying my toasted "Pan Dushi", a Dutch sweet bread with raisins with a glass of juice on the balcony watching the Caribbean and the local fishermen. Monday, Dale took me to the dive shop for two boat dives, again the current and visibility was kinda tricky, but some good diving. We did spot a lionfish while diving, so we know these destructive creatures have made their way South.

After two days of boat diving and a shore dive, we headed into Willemstad to explore. We checked out the floating market, the Queen Emma floating bridge, the Nena Sanchez Gallery, enjoyed lunch at a sidewalk cafe, and got in some shopping. A cruise ship was in port, so the town was buzzing with tourist.
We packed a picnic lunch another day and headed to Playa Lagun, for a day of relaxing at the beach and some snorkeling. We found a shady spot, rented two recliners and had a great day.
Andreas, the manager of the apartments, dropped by one afternoon with a bottle of bubbly to celebrate the New Year. We grilled steaks that night and set our alarm to watch the local fireworks display off the balcony. We popped the cork on the bottle and toasted the New Year on Curacao..."Happy New Year"!
Our last evening on Curacao we went back to Sol Food for a beautiful sunset and some more great pizza.....turned out everyone staying at All West was there. Sunshine surprised me with ice cream and a brownie, plus she got everyone to sing "Happy Birthday"!
We packed that night and prepared to head home after two great weeks in the Caribbean. The airport in Aruba was crazy, long lines, with tightened security, but we arrived home safe and sound.

Christmas in Aruba!

We arrived in Aruba on December 19 after a direct flight on Continental. We waited for over an hour for our luggage, but it finally all arrived. We loaded up our Kia rental car and headed to Sunset Beach Studios. That night we decided to eat at Smokey Joe's and then turn in early after a long day of travel. The next morning we made a grocery run to Ling and Sons for supplies and settled into our apartment. Monday morning I was up early since I had two boat dives booked with JADS. We had some current and visibility wasn't the best, but we did an awesome plane wreck dive, I even had a chance to make my way into the cockpit. The next day we dove the wreck of the Jane Sea with the stern sitting at about 80 feet, it was encrusted with sponges and corals. Since we had brought our own meat, Dale enjoyed grilling almost every night on the patio. Good old home cooking!!! On Christmas Eve we had dinner reservations at Madame Janette's, a wonderful Dutch restaurant on the island, our meal was fantastic and we left stuffed.
We made trips to Baby Beach, Mango Halto, Alta Vista, JADS dive shop, and found a new spot called, Dos Playas. Aruba is growing and new construction could be seen, hope our little island doesn't change to much. After Christmas we went to Ling and Sons for some "Oliebollens" a Dutch treat that translates to "Oily Balls"...they bring good luck!
Our friends, Steve and Mary showed up and we enjoyed dinner with them on Christmas on our patio. It was good to see them, it has been to long! We also met some wonderful people from Holland and Canada during our stay.
Soon it was time to pack and head to Curacao, our stay in Aruba was over. We were up early on the morning of December 26 for our 9 am flight on DAE to Curacao...the next part of our adventure.