Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Springtime in Texas

"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~Robin Williams

Grabbed my camera after lunch on Sunday and headed out to capture the local wildflowers in bloom. Heading down Hwy 87, I turned off on the Old Thomaston River Road and spotted some fields of flowers, lots of yellow and red blooms blanketed the countryside. Turning on FM 236 into Cuero I stopped several times to take some shots, even spotted a horse grazing in a field of bluebonnets.

Leaving Cuero I followed my map to the community of Cheapside, a old wooden church was surrounded by a huge field of red wildflowers and made a great photo opt. After returning to Cuero I decided to head to Yoakum and that it where I found an amazing field of bluebonnets on Alt. Hwy. 77. The whole pasture was covered with bluebonnets in full bloom, a breathtaking skies and bluebonnets. On the way home on Hwy. 111 I found a big patch of yellow and red flowers and stopped again to take pictures.

I was anxious to get home and download my photos. It was a great trip hunting for wildflowers, even if the wind was howling and made macro photography impossible. After a terrible drought last summer I was pleasantly surprised to find lots of wildflowers along the roads and in the pastures.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Knee

Well it is a little over a week now since Dale had total knee replacement on his right leg in Houston at Saint Luke's Hospital. The surgery went well, and all the staff at the hospital were wonderful. Dale loved having two pain pumps in the hospital, kept him happy!!!
It was an exhausting week and we were glad to get home.
Dale started physical therapy on Monday morning at Warm Springs in Victoria. They really work him out and he comes home tired. I guess getting the pain meds regulated has been our biggest obstacle, but hopefully we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The first few days were really a killer......lack of sleep, nausea, loss of appetite, and pain management were taking their toll on us. I found keeping up with the cooking, grocery shopping, washing clothes, driving Dale to PT, making runs to the drugstore for more pain meds a full time job. After a day of dishes stacking up on the counter...we even opted for paper plates.
I think things will get better quickly...hope so!!!! The other knee is in 6 - 8 weeks.....Maybe?