Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eels Invade the Brac!

Finally the time had arrived to fly to Miami to meet up with the Eels on Wheels group headed to Cayman Brac.  After checking into my room, I walked over to a local Cuban restaurant, Casa Juan with amazing food.....dodging a big thunderstorm.  My roommate Pasty arrived around midnight and we got a good nights sleep!
We arrived at the airport a couple of hours before our flight, as the group began to gather in anticipation of our Cayman Airways flight to the Brac.  Landing we were whisked off to the resort, greeted with a rum punch, and checked into our room.  This trip I was sharing a room with Jana, a nurse from Austin.  We unpacked, checked into the dive shop, and enjoyed our first yummy meal.

I was assigned to the boat named Big Sister for the week, or as Dr. Joe called it Big Mamma! We also were called the "Blonde Boat" and sometimes the "Booby Boat"! The sky was overcast, the winds blowing, and the seas rough.....but off we went to get in our first two dives.  Mick and Becky were our Dive Masters for the week and we had a great time diving, cracking jokes, and telling stories. I had the good luck of having a young man, Kevin as my dive buddy for the week.  Somehow I ended up with the nickname "Connie".....ask crazy Lynette...a long story!!!
The weather was not great and in fact on Wednesday diving was cancelled because of rough seas.  Our group persevered.....even diving in the rain several days.  I found it hard to stay warm with no sun, cloudy skies, and the wind blowing.  The dives were good, visibility could have been better, and we sure would have liked to see some sunshine.
The food at the resort was awesome.....desserts yummo!  We relaxed around the pool and sat around the bar renewing friendships and telling tales of the days dives.  On Friday night we enjoyed a great BBQ and a local band.  Lynette serenaded Mick with the song "Crazy"......pretty cute!
Saturday morning we were forced to get up in the middle of the night-4 am to catch our ride to the airport for our 6:30 am flight............Not Fun!  We flew to Grand Cayman, changed planes and then to Miami.....the airport I hate the most!  I had a few hours layover before my final flight to Houston.  Landing about 5:30, I called Dale and told him I was waiting to be picked up.....thank you Dale for driving! Sure was glad to see my handsome hunk of a man!

It was a great trip, made new friends, saw old friends, has lots of laughs!  I felt that I received more from the group than I was able to give.....blessed to just be a part of it.  Next year....Bonaire!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Ladies of Big Sister in Cayman Brac

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