Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Finish Line Ahead!

Walking in the boot has brought new challenges, but the freedom it gives makes the finish line seem much closer!  Dale continues therapy and they put him through the paces at Warm Springs  twice a week.  He did manage to fly his plane for about an hour the other day, having good movement in his foot made flying no problem.  The Texas Two Step is still out of the picture, but we look forward to that in the future!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Weight Bearing!!!!

Hooray......Dale was upgraded to "Weight Bearing" status........but, only while wearing his stylish black boot and given four more weeks of fun with his physical terrorist, Diane at Warm Springs.  It was a pleasant drive home from San Antonio....since we got good news!  The doctor said all looks good and to return in one month.  Now I have to get busy booking some travel for us.....paybacks are Hell!

Friday, January 11, 2013

My Humpty Dumpty!

Well, the Head Nurse made a minor is 10 weeks since surgery.  Maybe it was just wishful thinking  or maybe it was just a "Senior Moment"!  Boy does time fly when you're having fun!  All is still going good and Dale had his last session with his Physical Terrorist yesterday.  We go back this coming week  to San Antonio and I'm praying they let him start walking on that foot.  Dale, my Humpty Dumpty is planning on it and will not be a happy camper if they say NO! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Road to Recovery!

Well, we have reached the 10 week point on our long "Road to Recovery".  Dale continues with physical therapy and does some workouts in the heated therapy pool on his own.  He's still using a walker or crutches to get around.  We return to the doctor mid January and he's hoping to be cleared to start putting some weight on his foot.....let's hope that happens.  We did manage a long weekend in Fredericksburg to welcome the New Year and celebrate my birthday......a good break for both of us!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Celebrating 2013!!!!

 After weeks of being stuck at home.....we decided to celebrate the New Year in Fredericksburg in a  B&B.  We drove up stopping in Lockhart for some yummy BBQ, arriving after lunch to pick up our key.  The Bungalow on College was very comfortable and cozy, with an awesome, huge shower.  Later that day we drove out to Alamo Springs Cafe for a great burger, fries, and onion rings....the best in Texas.  The next morning we went out for breakfast, drove around town, and later I did a little shopping.  New Year's Eve night we had dinner reservations at The Cabernet Grill and then tickets to the show at the Rockbox.  Dinner was wonderful, and we enjoyed the show.  The weather the next day was really we stayed in and enjoyed the warmth of the cottage, watching  a football game on TV.  Dinner ...that night was Italian that I prepared for us.  The next morning we enjoyed a big breakfast and headed back home.  A very nice, relaxing weekend together....welcoming in the New Year and celebrating my 65th birthday!