Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, February 25, 2013

That's All Folks!!!!

Well guess who forgot to post a final update on Friday about the journey we have been on since Dale was injured in fall on October 27......shattering his heel. He is doing great, enjoying his new found crutches, no walker, no cane, and no boot. A good doctor, a great physical therapist, and lots of hard a good dose of well wishes and prayers have put Humpty Dumpty back together again!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Glamorous Glenn

We had a early flight to Uvalde for Dale to get a check ride with an instructor.  Joe and Wanda were waiting when we arrived, so we drove into town for lunch.  We hadn't seen them in some time, so we had a lot to catch up on.  We drove back to the airport where the guys took off, while Wanda and I visited in the FBO.  Later Joe gave us a tour of a private collection of aircraft, even giving me the chance to sit in the cockpit of "Glamorous Glenn"...a PA 51D Mustang that Chuck Yeager flew in WWII. A good tailwind made the flight home much shorter!  It was great to have my pilot back in the cockpit!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy 85th Birthday Mom!

To celebrate Mom's 85th birthday we decided to take her out for a nice dinner at Pump House Restaurant and then tickets to see "The Marvelous Wonderettes" opening night production at the Victoria Theater.  Lanell and Hollie joined in the fun and we enjoyed a nice dinner before heading to the theater.  The show was cute, with lots of songs from the past.  After the show we returned to Mom's house where she promptly showed us that she could do a "plank" at 85 with no problem.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Eureka......the doctor gave Dale the okay to remove the boot and start walking in a regular shoe!  He advised Dale to gradually increase the time without the boot each day and let the foot tell him when he needs to put the boot back on.  They feel that he doesn't need any more physical I guess no more Warm Springs!  We will return mid March for one last visit and then he will be released.....Eureka!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's and 5th Anniversary on the River Walk!

Dale and I decided to combine a doctor's visit with the celebration of Valentine's Day and our 5th wedding anniversary.  After getting good news from the doctor, we checked in at the Omni La Mansion del Rio....surprised to find that we had a room upgrade to a room overlooking the river walk.  We headed on down to stroll along the river walk, have a drink, and enjoy a guided river cruise.  Dinner later that evening was at Texas Land and Cattle, and we enjoyed delicious steaks with all the trimmings.  A horse drawn carriage ride along the streets of San Antonio was the perfect ending to our night!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Work in Progress!

Dale is still a work in progress as he continues down the path of recovery and rehabilitation.  He has one more rehab next week before we got back to the doctor in San Antonio.  He is still walking in the boot,  I guess the next step would be to start walking in a regular shoe maybe with the aid of a cane.  Guess we will find out next week!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Therapy Will Move You!

Physical therapy will move way or another!  Dale continues his therapy at Warm Springs twice a week.  They now have him walking in the medical boot with his cowboy boot on the other foot.  His foot continues to swell if he is on it most of the day....but the doctor said to expect that to happen.  All in all we continue to progress!!!