Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fabulous Fall Day!

An absolute beautiful November, Fall day out on the water at Port O'Connor........a little cool running across the bay early this morning, but soon the sun was shining and warming us up. The sky was a vibrant shade of blue with only a few puffy clouds. We could see shrimp boats pulling their nets on the horizon, while the sound of duck hunters and air-boats broke the early morning silence. We drifted across the shallow was slow!  I caught the first nice Red, and Dale got the second nice 24 inch between we caught small Reds and a few Trout. We ended our trip by heading to Cathy's for a late seafood lunch....then it was home to wash the boat.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Red Baron!

Clear skies, and cool temperatures made for a smooth, easy flight to Brenham for lunch.  We landed just before 11 am and waited for the Southern Flyer Diner to open.
On the way Dale took my camera and got a photo of me with my "Red Baron" scarf around my neck......heck, it keeps the drafty cool air off the back of my neck when it is cold outside.  Think it was about 53 degrees outside at 4,000 ft!  We grabbed a table and ordered.....Dale enjoyed a $100 hamburger (pilot's joke) and I had the chicken strips as we listened to some oldies on the jukebox.  We split a big yummy piece of Coconut Cream Pie for dessert!  Taking off we headed to Moulton to take a look at this year's Corn Maze.  It was beautiful as usual, the theme this year was "A Maze ing Grace"!  Dale flew the plane while I took photos at different altitudes.....trying to get a great photo!  Photos done...we headed to the hangar at VCT! 
A great day in the air!