Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Floating with Friends!

Keeping cool on the Comal yesterday with friends, Karen and Jimmy! We arrived early and got in a relaxing float before the crowds arrived. Lunch was on the bank of the river under the shade of a big tree.....fried chicken, potato salad, pickles, and fresh fruit....sure did taste good! Later we did another long float! Then we cleaned up and headed to Clear Springs Cafe for burgers and onion rings. Good friends, good food, and two good floats with our guys! A great way to spend a smoking hot day in Texas!!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

400th dive with Lady Go Divers!!!!!

Off to Bonaire  July 19-26 with the Lady Go Divers for our annual dive trip.  I met up with some of the gals at the Houston airport and we flew down together.  Arriving we checked in, had dinner, and crashed.  After breakfast, a dive orientation, check out dive, it was time for our first dive.  We were assigned to the Sea Queen with Luis and Rudd for the week.
On the third dive on Monday I completed my 400th dive and the gals surprised me a celebration and champagne on the boat, plus a bag of ice on my head.  Earlier we had a photo taken to mark this special occasion......and no I didn't dive naked!  It was great celebrating this special event with a great group of gals.

The diving on Bonaire is so easy, with most dives lasting at least one hour.  We had the opportunity to dive the Hilma Hooker wreck and the Salt Pier during the week.  We saw lots of seahorses, frog fish, turtles, and eels.  The water was about 80* for most of the week.  I had a chance to take lots of photos and managed to get some good shots.  We ate out a couple of times and relaxed around the pool a few nights with some snacks and wine.  The pool was always a gathering place for our group.
My roommate, DJ and I got along fine, and even endured our room problems with a laugh.   We had rented a studio and enjoyed being near the dive operation.
On our last day we did two morning dives, grabbed a quick lunch, then did a kayaking trip in the mangroves.  The mangroves serve as a hatchery for the fish and our guide even had us snorkel in the mangroves.  Back at the resort, we showered and then it was off to our farewell dinner with Luis and Rudd.....the night ended with a yummy cup of gelato.
Up very, very early and off to the airport....we said our goodbyes!  The trip was great fun, great diving, and all with an amazing group of women!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Floating the Fourth on the Comal!

Karen and I decided to begin our Fourth of July Celebration a little early, and floated the Comal a day early to beat the throngs of folks expected!!! In honor of the birthday of our nation we decorated our hats, and color coordinated our outfits...proudly showing off the red, white, and blue! The sun was hot...but the cool water of the Comal was refreshing! We got lots of compliments on our outfits...but maybe a few folks just thought we were CRAZY OLD LADIES! We told everyone it was the 4th .....blaming our day early celebration on having a Senior Moment! Karen proudly wore her "Green Frog Feet"....she loves those darn things! We had a blast and enjoy a hamburger and yummy onion rings at Clear Springs Cafe! Long day, but safely back home with lots of good memories!