Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Checked Off...Floundering!

Marked another one off my Bucket List last night........a guided flounder trip at POC! Running across the bay just after sunset to a distant shore line was beautiful...the only boat in sight for miles! We waited for it to get totally dark and began cruising the shoreline with bright lights illuminating the bottom for our prey. Dale let me gig the first one we spotted after a few lessons on the proper way to gig from our guide, Dustin. We ended up getting our limit and headed back in to the dock with 10 nice flounder! It was a awesome trip...thanks Dale for a great gift!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Edna Fly In!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Green Short Challenge Completed!!!!!

Dale and I flew down to Grand Cayman to meet friends, Dennis and Tamara.....and try to finish the Green Short Challenge and get those darn Green Shorts!
Day 1....Two dives this morning.....spent most of the time testing out the knee, but did get a couple of pictures. The water is warm.....about 84-86 degrees depending on your depth. I got one more of my 55 Green Short Challenge dives today......four more to go! Dinner tonight over at friend's condo!
Day 2.....Two more dives knocked off this morning......leaving me only two to get the Green Shorts! The second dive I swear should have been called Lobster Pot......lobster in every nook and cranny! I'm cooking Italian tonight for our friends! Great weather, great diving! Barracudas were very curious on the second dive!

Day 3.....One to go! Only need a site called Scuba Bowl to complete the Challenge! Long boat ride this morning to get one of the farthest sites....but got er done! Long rough boat ride back to condo! A couple of nurse sharks, lobster, crab, etc.......lots of surge on second dive. Hot dog cookout for lunch over at Dennis and Tamara's condo....pool time later!
Day 4....Weather didn't permit getting the last site I needed....rough ride out to dive sites and rougher ride back home. Hoping I can knock it out tomorrow! Tomorrow two morning dives and then the X dive after lunch!! X Dive an undisclosed location with your crew to navigate point-to-point along the Cayman Trench for a one-of-a-kind experience. This dive gives maximum time on the edge of the wall, giving the greatest chances for seeing the big stuff, including "Mr.X"
Day 5....Two dives this morning...not near as rough as yesterday......Eagle Ray, Sting Ray, Eels, Turtle, etc....Off shortly for the X Dive and maybe, maybe, get those darn Green Shorts!
I did it! All 55 finished on the X Dive.....AWESOME dive.....sharks surrounded us almost as soon as we descended into the depths of the ocean. What a great dive to complete my Green Short Challenge!!!! Cake and Champagne plus the presentation of the Green Shorts and the medal. Will be wearing that to dinner tonight!!! Yipeeee!!!
Day 6....Nothing to exciting today......a nurse shark that swam away before a photo and a turtle that kicked it into high gear when he saw divers. Dinner tonight and then the packing begins.....or should I say the throwing it into the suitcase.....hoping the dive gear is nearly dry!
A great trip, with another goal accomplished!