Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Surfing with the Disabled!

Lexi and I decided to volunteer at the Texas Surf Camp for the disabled in Port Aransas.  We drove down and had a seafood lunch at Finns on the marina before meeting the group at the beach.  The weather was perfect, the water warm and the waves weren't to wild....great for the disabled kids from Oklahoma.
Dividing into teams we grabbed a board and headed to the water. The kids had a great time....some much more daring that others, but we saw lots of smiles, high fives, and fist pumps! After surfing we all enjoyed ice cold water and cookies!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Life Rolls On!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to volunteer with an event in Port Aransas, Texas called Life Goes On.  This non profit organization was founded by Jesse Billauer, a surfer that was paralyzed after a surfing accident. He created Life Rolls On because everyone living with paralysis deserves the feeling of freedom that surfing brings! Jesse said he was told he would have no quality of life after becoming a quadriplegic...boy did he prove them wrong.

I had my doubts when I arrived about 5:45 am and was the only person there.  But, soon other folks arrived and some of the organizers arrived.  Just after sunrise trucks rolled in with equipment and things began to take shape.  Volunteers began to set up, others began registration, while the four water teams had a safety meeting, and the hospitality team started icing down lots of water and ordering pizza for lunch. I had volunteered to take I grabbed my camera and headed to the water once the surfing began.

The volunteers which included a large group of PT students from Word in San Antonio made sure everyone was safe and had a blast! One young girl rode each wave in with a grin from ear to ear. We even had a therapy surfing dog riding the board with some of the surfers.  A mom rode with her young son enjoying this time on the water.....what a special moment for both of them!
About noon volunteers rolled in with a bunch of pizza boxes with yummy hot pizza for all.  So we all sat around and munched on pizza.

I felt privileged to have been part of this event and loved taking photos....or trying to in the surf.  Volunteering with Life Rolls On gave me far more than I was able to give them! A great group of folks!