Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, May 31, 2018


This photo says it all.......the pride we all felt as Ross accomplished his goal! Graduation for the United States Air Force Academy!

Commissioning ceremony.....Congrats
2nd Lieutenant Ross Michael Mantey
Pararde day and awesome ceremony.
Graduation Day!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Graduation Time at the USAFA!

Tomorrow we all head to Colorado Springs to watch my oldest grandson, Ross Michael Mantey graduate from the United States Force Academy on May23 and be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the USAF.  The past four years have flown by and it is hard to believe graduation day has arrived.
Ross will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Military and Strategic Studies.  After a 60 day leave, he will report to Laughlin Air Force Base in Del Rio, Texas to begin pilot training.

                  Good Luck Ross, we love you!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Dietzel Time In Cayman

May means it is time to head to Grand Cayman and some great diving. It was good to see my old friends and we settled into their condo.  Eagle Ray's was the choice for dinner the first night.  I was anxious to try out the new strobe I just purchased for my Olympus camera.  The new boats at Ocean Frontiers were really nice, plenty of room, two good ladders, and plenty of storage space for everyone.

As usual Dennis was in charge of the menu and the kitchen.  A week of good home cooking, and tasty mojitos served by the pool.
Diving was going good until on Thursday when I flooded my new strobe.  Boy was I mad!  Somehow the battery cap was not put in correctly, and saltwater filled the battery compartment in seconds.  I scratched the dive, headed back to the boat, and surveyed the damage. Discovered salt water and lithium batteries don't mix! Learned a hard lesson.....check and re-check the seal of the battery cap.  Plus, always wear your glasses when working on dive cameras. Luckily the battery compartment is separate from the actual strobe I ordered new batteries and got a new battery cap. Think I am back in business.
The week flew by and soon it was time to head home.  Lunch at the Cayman Yacht Club with Dennis and Tamara before heading back home.