Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Costa Rican Christmas

Christmas in Costa Rica again....Pura Vida!  This year we booked the Small Beach House at Coconut Grove in Dominical.  We arrived a few days before Christmas and settled in..great to see Richard and Diane, the owners.  We were sad to hear our favorite dog, Flaco had passed away since our last stay!
Christmas Eve we went to the annual Christmas Party and enjoyed seeing some of the locals.

We spent our days at the beach....Playa Hermosa or Playa Linda......both beautiful!  We ate at some local places and went to the market. Joined Richard and Diane one evening for dinner at Tortilla Flats..they have the best Basil Margarita.  New Year’s Eve we went over to have drinks with the owners and later watched the fireworks.

As usual Dale was the Boogie Board champ, riding the board all the way in.  We both found out that Boogie Boarding was a real workout!

We walked the beach of Dominicalito and managed to enjoy almost every breathtaking sunset!

The rest of the time we enjoyed the pool and the Rancho...meeting and talking with other guest!

Dale forget my Christmas card and my birthday card at
home, so he made me  perfect cards in the sand on the beach!  Very creative!
Loved both of them!
I may never get a store bought card again!


We had a great two weeks....very relaxing!  Our drive back to San Jose was easy and we flew out the next morning early!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas 2019

Christmas was at Brian and Hollie’s home at
Mission Valley.
 Grandma and the Great Grandkids

Grandma and Grandkids....
Lanell, Brian, Chuck

         A group shot of all the ladies!
        Chelsea and Hayden
                                      Lexi and Ethan

Randi, Chuck, and Lennon


               Brian’s family!