Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Bida ta dushi (Life is Good)

Dale and I returned to Aruba to see our friends and enjoy our favorite island.  Staying in our usual Ocean Front Room #1 at Sunset Beach Studios we settled in for a relaxing week!  Following tradition, dinner the first night was at Smokey Joes for ribs….yummy as usual!  

A trip to Super Foods the next day to stock up for our stay was on our agenda.  We filled our days with exploring, beach time, plus enjoying the pool and hot tub with other guest. I loved my early morning snorkels, when I had the ocean all to myself…just me and the ocean creatures. Our love for local places found us enjoying meals at……………

Zeerovers, The Local Store, Kamini's KitchenUrataka Center and Barefoots.  We were lucky enough to spend a afternoon with JP and Eef, the owners of our resort, catching up on what was happening in our lives.  JP and Dale even cruised the Lighthouse in JP’s 1968 Ford Ranchero.  Our week flew by and soon it was time for a Covid test and our flight home.  We had a great week, met some great folks, and enjoyed our stay as usual!