Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Scud Run to Under the Wire

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Fog when we got up this morning, so we waited, finally around 10 am it began to lift and we headed to the airport. We loaded the plane and took off headed to Louise for the Under the Wire Fly In.
The closer we got to Louise the lower the ceiling, we were flying what pilots call IFR..............better known as "I Follow Roads"! It was amazing to see other planes in the pattern as we prepared to land. Dale set Miss Ice Tea Too down on the grass strip and found a place to park. We unloaded the plane and set up our chairs under the wing in the shade. Soon it was lunch and we enjoyed the picnic lunch I had packed. The skies cleared and it was began to warm up quickly. Dale talked with all the airplane guys and I managed to take a few photos. It was nice to visit with old friends, some we hadn't seen since last year. We decided to head home before the flour bombing, loaded the plane and took off. The thermals made for a bumpy flight home, but it was a short flight. We landed, stored the plane and headed to the house....another fly in comes to an end.

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