Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Berndt Family Reunion

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Dale and I were up early this morning and drove to Danavang, Texas for the Berndt Family Reunion. We arrived and began to set up with the help of Elvin and Susan. Soon relatives began to arrive, and the Danavang Lutheran Church Meeting House was buzzing with activity. The reunion was held in part to honor Dale's Aunt Helena Lauritsen, plus it was a chance for all his cousins to get together. Shortly before noon, Aunt Helena led the family in a Danish Table Prayer and the group lined up for a catered meal.
Dale served a Master of Ceremonies, and had everyone laughing with his stories. A plaque was presented to Aunt Helena, and guest shared their thoughts and stories about her. Several tables of old photo albums were on display for all the guest to look at.
Special guest, were cousins and spouses Gary, Kim, Cathy and John, that flew in from the Seattle, Washington area to attend the event. They will be spending the week visiting with their relatives in South Texas.
Almost seventy descendants were in attendance at the event.

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