Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Eggs and Bacon in Fredricksburg

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Our plan was to get off the ground right after sunrise and head to Fredricksburg for breakfast. The alarm was set for 5 am, we got dressed only to find that ground fog had moved in. So we didn't get away as early as hoped, but we did go. Climbing up above the cloud layer the flight was smooth and the morning air was cool, we landed and ordered breakfast at the Airport Diner. After breakfast we walked around the airport, took a look at the Hangar Hotel and watched other planes land. The day was beginning to heat up, so we took off and headed home. The ride was hot and bumpy until Dale climbed to about 8,000 ft., the air temp dropped to 70 degrees.
We made a brief hot stop in New Braunfels to top off the gas tanks for the trip home. We landed in Victoria, quickly put the plane in the hangar, cranked up the AC in truck and went home.

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