Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkins and Pilots

Lifted off this morning headed to the Elm Creek Halloween Fly-In near New Braunfels. It was a clear, crisp, calm morning....and flying was great. We landed shortly after our friends, Jim and Jean from Marble Falls. The guys went off to check out planes, while Jean and I sat and talked, enjoying a beautiful Fall morning.

We had a great Bar B Q lunch with lots of yummy desserts to pick from. Since it was Halloween, Dale decided to go in costume........a pilot of course. Funny thing, a lot of the guys came as pilots. A few others dared to dress in costume and I did see a Witch or two among the crowd.

We sat around visiting, talking airplanes and watching the planes take-off and land on the grass strip in the air park. After a great visit it was time to head back to Victoria and put Miss Ice Tea Too in the hangar.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Limited Out!!!!!

Up early this morning, we packed our lunch and headed out to Port O'Connor for some fishing. The wind was already blowing as we prepared to put the boat in the water at Charlie's. With the tides running high, and the wind howling we decided not to cross the bay, Dale thought we should try fishing in the Lagoon.
A good choice! Before our picnic lunch we had four Reds in the ice chest, needing only two more to reach our legal limit. We caught lots of "Rat Reds" and a couple small trout as we drifted. Finally we got another legal Red and now we only needed one.
We went back to some spots we had fished earlier in the day hoping to catch that final Red. Dale had one on his line, I just knew it was a keeper,
but it only measured 19 inches. Dale put him
back in the water to grow bigger. Finally Dale
hooked a fish and this one was a keeper. Yahoo!
By 2 pm we were headed back to the
docks.....We limited out on Reds today!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Clear Blue Skies

With clear blue skies in the forecast we decided to fly to Port Aransas for lunch and some beach time. Taking off from Victoria, we could immediately see the bay on this cool, clear October morning. We flew the beach all the way down and landed before lunch.
After a short trolley ride we had a tasty lunch of fried shrimp at Beach & Station Street Grill, finishing just in time to catch the trolley to the beach for a quarter....a real bargain. Dale found a table and I set off down the beach to explore and take pictures. Lots of very interesting things along the beach, including a starfish that had just washed ashore. I have never seen a starfish on a Texas beach.....a first! Walking along the jetties I watched people fishing, but didn't really see anybody catching much. Soon it was time to hop back on the trolley for a ride back to the airport and our flight home.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Hogar Dulce Hogar" in Huatlco, MX

We just returned from a wonderful week in Huatulco, Mexico at Villa Pacifico with our friends, Tim and Pam from Fort Worth, Texas. Carlos was at the airport to pick us up and take us quickly to the Villa, our friends Rebecca and Hugo were waiting to greet us and make us feel at home. Quickly we changed into our swimsuits, jumped in the pool and enjoyed a Margarita. The next day we grabbed a taxi to spend the day at the beach called La Entrega. Snorkeling along the rocks we took Pam into the "Cave" and to a small secluded beach, while Tim played his guitar on the beach and enjoyed a cold cervasa.
Monday morning we met our fishing charter boat (panga) at Santa Cruz Marina and left the harbor at sunrise for a day of deep sea fishing. We caught two Mahi Mahi and two big Sailfish, had a great day even if the panga was a bit small and had no bathroom. A real Mexican adventure..... fishing with Jesus on the White Shark!!! Rebecca grilled the Mahi Mahi that night for supper. Tuesday we relaxed at the Villa....lounging by the pool, reading in the hammock under the palapa, listening to Tim play, and swimming at the beach below the Villa. Wednesday Carlos picked us up for a tour of an old coffee plantation and a wonderful waterfall up in the Sierra Madre mountains. The waterfall was breathtaking and even if the water was a bit chilly, alright it was cold, but we had a ball! Swinging on ropes, jumping off the rocks and even climbing behind the falls. A Oaxacan lunch was served in the old plantation dining room and we toured the old coffee plantation. It was a full day, but we enjoyed every minute. Thursday we rented the car from the Villa, went into La Crucecita for some shopping at the Mercado, and a light lunch at Pollo Imperial. Driving down the coast we stopped and enjoyed a cold beer at Barra de la Cruz and La Bocana, both surfing beaches. That evening we had dinner at our friend, Juan's restaurant the Kristal Rose in La Crucecita......we left stuffed. Friday morning Carlos picked us up for a trip to a secluded beach, San was a long, long, long, bumpy ride. We had the whole beach to ourselves most of the day. A few rain showers from hurricane Rick kept us under the big palapa part of the day at La Casa del Abuelo, where we had a wonderful lunch. Tim entertained us with his guitar while Dale laid claim to a hammock. Pam and I enjoyed playing in the waves with two young Mexican girls.....trying to ride the waves like kids. Saturday arrived to soon and it was time to pack after breakfast. Rebecca sent us to the airport after a "light" lunch , our final meal at the Villa. Carlos picked us up, we said our goodbyes and soon we were on our Continental flight to Houston.
We had a great week in Huatulco at Villa Pacifico. Seeing all our old friends, enjoying lots of laughs, seeing new beautiful sights, wonderful meals and making lots of great memories.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Raindrops Falling on my Head!!!

We had a wet, wet weekend at the Warrenton/Round Top Antique Fair, rain started Saturday morning growing heavier as the day went on. Friday, Karen and I enjoyed lunch in La Grange at Bistro 108, yummy!! We drove directly to Round Top for the Arts and Craft Fair around the the rest of the afternoon. Ingelside Bed and Breakfast was our hang out for the weekend in Brenham, all twelve of us. We enjoyed wine and cheese every afternoon swinging and talking on the front porch, especially Karen who can swing at break neck speed!! Saturday we woke to light drizzle, had breakfast and headed to Warrenton. Shop, shop, shop! The rain really began to come down as we headed back to the B&B. Sunday everything was soaked and muddy, most of the vendors were packing up...we made a few stops and headed home.