Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Clear Blue Skies

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With clear blue skies in the forecast we decided to fly to Port Aransas for lunch and some beach time. Taking off from Victoria, we could immediately see the bay on this cool, clear October morning. We flew the beach all the way down and landed before lunch.
After a short trolley ride we had a tasty lunch of fried shrimp at Beach & Station Street Grill, finishing just in time to catch the trolley to the beach for a quarter....a real bargain. Dale found a table and I set off down the beach to explore and take pictures. Lots of very interesting things along the beach, including a starfish that had just washed ashore. I have never seen a starfish on a Texas beach.....a first! Walking along the jetties I watched people fishing, but didn't really see anybody catching much. Soon it was time to hop back on the trolley for a ride back to the airport and our flight home.

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