Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Back to the Brac with Lady GoDivers

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After flying into Grand Cayman and staying overnight, I was off to Cayman Brac and my first dive trip with the Lady GoDivers. It was great to be going "Back to the Brac" and seeing how it was rebuilt after hurricane Paloma nearly destroyed it in 2008. Patty, my roommate greeted me at the Brac Beach Resort, after unpacking, and grabbing lunch we waited for the others to arrive. Bonnie and Beth showed up later in the afternoon, with Mary, Lil, and Janice arriving late at night. Our 6 days of diving began the next morning with the valet pickup of our dive gear. We were assigned to the boat Little Sister, with our group the boat had about 20 divers onboard. We began each morning with a hearty breakfast, before heading down to catch the boat for our morning 2 tank dives. Arriving back at the resort about Noon we rinsed off before a tasty lunch and some down time to relax and float around the pool. The final dive of the day was in the afternoon with plenty of time to enjoy before dinner at night. Patty had booked 3 boat dives a day, 3 meals a day and 3 drinks a day package....which left time for much else, except sleep.

The weather was great the whole week, with a few thunderstorms during the night. The water was warm and the visibility was pretty good....making for some good diving. Unfortunately we saw many lionfish on our fact the last dive of the trip I spotted a group of 3 hanging out.....beautiful, but deadly to the reef ecosystem. The dive on the wreck of the Tibbett's was great and Patty even had me swim into a small opening for a photo.

Omar our waiter and bartender took very good care of us...fixing us his special "Mudslide" and one night making me his deadly "Bob Marley" which he set on fire before drinking. The food at the Brac was awesome, service was top notch, and the rooms were great. Several of us enjoyed a spa treatment......what a way to get spoiled! When not diving we enjoyed bicycling, kayaking, and stargazing at I began each morning with my cup of coffee and a walk on the beach. Another highlight was the morning I had coffee with Mr. Tibbetts the owner of the resort, quite a character. I even survived the initiation ceremony and became an official card carrying member of the Lady GoDivers.

Patty surprised us with gifts most nights and I brought fake tattoos for the group, lots of silly fun! We had a great time, lots of laughs, and made some new friends. The final day we left as we arrived at different times, I was the last to leave the island. It was a long day of travel and arrived home just before midnight to see my husband, whom I missed very much while I was away.

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