Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pura Vida?

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After spending almost a month in the beautiful country of Costa Rica I have come to some interesting deductions about living there......

If you hair is curly, it will curly all the time...if it is straight, grow a pony tail or shave your head
No need for makeup, it just slides off your face money on a gym membership...everything is up or down the's called the Costa Rican Stairmaster
WiFi in the jungle can be tricky, it's up, it's down, it's up, it's down...etc
No need to wash the car, it won't stay clean on these roads
Lots of romantic candlelight dinners, electricity goes out regularly
No more junk mail, no mailing street address....NO ADDRESS!
No need to take in fiber tablets, fresh fruit and veggies take care of that issue
Potato chips won't be tempting, replaced with plantain chips
You learn to love black beans and rice, a staple at every meal!
Cut your cholesterol, only extra, extra, extra, lean beef is available...cows here are skinny, no fat!!!
No need to spend money at the and orchids everywhere for the picking
Buy sunscreen by the gallons, the sun is intense!!
Save money on the water bill, when it rains it pours....90 inches in a week
Cut your wardrobe cost, a couple pairs of shorts, a few shirts and flip flops...the quick drying kind of clothes will make up most of your closet
No need to visit a zoo, creatures out your back door
Imperial will become your drink of choice!
If you have $2,000 in US dollars, you can be a millionaire in Colones, the local currency
Coffee is served at every meal, you're stay on a constant caffeine high....but it is some of the best coffee in the world!
Throw away your alarm clock...howler monkeys take care of that!
You don't have to give up Sodas, that is what restaurants along the road serving local dishes are called
If looking for hot water, turn on the faucet with the "C" on it....CALIENTE means HOT! Discovered this after a cold shower!

The country is truly beautiful and the people are warm and welcoming.......
Pura Vida!

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