Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Grandma's on Facebook!

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Mom jumped into the high tech world of computers on Monday as we hooked up her brand new, shiny laptop and had internet service installed at her home. She was determined to see what was going on in cyberspace and keep up with her 2 kids, 9 grand kids, and 10 great grand kids. It was a whole new world, as she pressed the "On" button for the first time. I had already set up Facebook as her homepage, so we concentrated on maneuvering around the site. She hadn't typed in about 60 years, so the going was slow as she turned to the hunt and peck method of typing.....but she managed to send out a few short post. The second lesson concentrated on Hotmail, which I had bookmarked to make it easy for her to find. We sent out "Friend Request" on Facebook and I added the family to her contacts on Hotmail.....some replied in shock that Grandma was online! Our final lesson this week tackled opening attachments and videos....which opened a whole new world to Mom.


Bobbie said...

Good for Grandma! Just wanted to "drop in" and tell you that Paul and I always enjoy reading of your adventures. And, I made your shrimp creole last night for dinner - yummy! And, so easy. Looking forward to the reunion!

Dale and Gayla said...

Thanks Bobbie....darn fires have canceled our reunion and caused so much pain and suffering.