Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ghostly Girl's Weekend

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A "Girl's Trip" for Mom to Fredericksburg, Texas proved ghostly at the Bell Street Manor at 601 Bell Street. Mom, Lanell, and I arrived in town, had a yummy lunch at the Peach Tree Tearoom before heading to the Manor. Mom was surprised to find Shelly, Carly, Laney, and Haley waiting on the front porch, with Ginger to arrive later when she got off work. The 3 story house was built in 1907 and had served as a hospital and doctor's office.
Dinner that night was at the Alamo Springs Cafe with some of the best hamburgers in Texas according to Texas Monthly...onion rings, cold beer, and 2 fried stuffed avocados....really good stuff. The ten mile drive down the winding Old San Antonio Road had them all wondering if I was lost or just plain crazy! We turned in for the night with a big day of shopping planned.

Saturday was spent on Main Street shopping most of the day with a later stop at the wineries for some sampling. Dinner that night was at The Cabernet Grill and what a gastronomical treat it proved to be. From appetizer, to entree, to dessert, it was outstanding. Then it was back to Bell street for our last night, before heading home.

This is where the real fun began! During our stay we all heard the old wood floors creaking, kinda eerie at night. A small CD player that had a habit of turning itself on, always playing a Eagles tune proved to be very strange. Footsteps upstairs when no one was up there could not be explained....but the final straw was the window pane crashing to the floor during the middle of the night almost proved to be to much for some of the "Girls"....could it have really been the ghost called Anne? Some were sure since it had been a hospital that folks had died there.....lots of laughs over our "Ghostly" weekend.
Up Sunday morning, we packed and enjoyed breakfast and coffee and then it was time to head home.

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