Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Xmas in Aruba 2011

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In the early morning hours of Christmas Eve, we drove to Houston to catch our Continental flight to Aruba. Santa surprised Dale, as we boarded the plane, with First Class seats for the flight down and we really enjoyed the First Class treatment...they sure did spoil us! Sure gonna make sitting in the back stink! We arrived, picked up our rental car from Amigo and it was off to Sunset Beach Studios for our stay. Since the stores had closed early, they had stocked our apartment with the groceries I had requested in my email. We unpacked, had dinner on the patio as the sun set and turned in early.
I tried to get up early every morning and go for a walk on the beach....Dale even joined me one morning. Every evening we had a date to sit on the beach with a glass of wine and watch the beautiful sunsets....each better than the last.

We took the car and explored the island, noting the changes since our last visit two years ago. A couple of snorkel trips and relaxing under the shade of a Divi Divi tree filled our days. Soaking in the hot tub was on the schedule each afternoon.....providing a great way to relax. Dale caught up on his reading and working his puzzles, while I worked on my photos.
The week seemed to go by very quickly and soon we were packing for our flight to Curacao. This is where the adventure really begins.....a major glitch in our travel plans!

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