Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chillaxing on the Comal!

Met up with Karen and we took off for our float trip on the Guadalupe River.  Arriving at our destination, Karen immediately noticed how low the river looked and how many rocks were exposed.  Stopping in at the tube rental place, they told us it would be a 6-7 hour float, with lots of butt dragging and rock bumping.  Older and wiser we decided to change our plans and we went back to New Braunfels to float the Comal River.  After a short adventure trying to find Texas Tubes with the GPS on my i Phone and involving a train...we arrived.  Rented tubes, stocked up our ice chest with goodies and we slipped into the refreshing cool water of the Comal for a 2 1/2 float.  The water was clear and cool with a flow that meant no paddling! No butt dragging this trip, although I did hit a large boulder coming out of one of the chutes.  We stopped   once for a snack break.  Getting out at the Last Exit and we climbed aboard our shuttle for a trip back to Texas Tubes.  We decided to try it again and did another 2 1/2 hour float....which seemed to go faster than the first.

After a quick shower and dry clothes it was time for some Texas BBQ at Cooper's.....brisket, sausage, pork ribs, pinto beans, potato salad and gallons of ice tea was just what we needed.  Stuffed we skipped the fruit cobbler dessert!  It was great CHILLAXING with my friend, floating along under the big Cypress trees that lined the bank.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Shrimp Flight!

On a mission, we took off for Port Aransas early on Friday morning for lunch at Beach Station Street Grill. Flying the Texas coast, the Gulf was green and flying the beach was interesting. Grabbing the trolley we made a stop at the beach for some "Sand Between My Toes" time, then back on the trolley to lunch....YUM! Our stomachs full we jumped back on the trolley for a ride back to the airport and a flight home at about 3,500 feet.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Ladies Do Cozumel

I was the first to arrive in Cozumel and grabbed a taxi to Scuba Club Cozumel to await the other members of the Lady Go Divers group.  As I was enjoying lunch my roomie, Amy walked in and joined me for lunch.  Soon our fearless leader, Patty arrived and we all got checked in to our fourth floor rooms with awesome views of the Caribbean.  Patty also brought news that Beth, Amelia, Cheryl, and Pat were delayed because their flight was cancelled and would arrive the next day.  We got unpacked, checked into the dive shop and stored our gear in lockers by the dive shop.  We were assigned to Scuba II, a smaller boat for the week with two other couples.  Since the gang wasn't all together we decided to just eat at the resort and turn in early.
Up the next morning we enjoyed breakfast and prepared for our first dives......Manuel was to be our DM for the week.  Patty requested two shallow dives and it was great to be back in the water enjoying drift dives. Lunch was ready when we got back and then we waited for the rest of the gang to arrive.

Sunday night we grabbed a taxi and went to town to have dinner at Casa was hot and stuffy around the square and a group of fire dancers behind Cheryl and Pat really heated things up.  We walked around the square, watched the locals dance in the square and then headed back to Scuba Club Cozumel.  The coffee klatch on the deck each morning, thanks to Mr. Mario was a perfect start to the day. With all Lady Go Divers accounted for we enjoyed breakfast and loaded our gear for two great dives.  Janet and Eric from California and Tommy and D.J. from Tyler were a great addition to our boat for the week.  We did enjoy jumping off the top deck of the boat, synchronized swimming during our surface interval and a fish water gun fight with photos to document the event.  Dinner that night was at La Mission were Amelia worked her charms and got us some delicious free flan and a liquor shots. With big sombreros atop our heads we had pictures taken that turned out great.....a real keepsake.  Cheryl ordered the Mexican coffee which was quite a production.

Diving the next day, we enjoyed some very photogenic turtles, nice lobsters and lots of fish.  We did manage to lose our divemaster, but never fear Miss Patty kept the group together and we safely surfaced even though her safety sausage was a little limp!  Especias was our choice for dinner, since Gayla was delivering batteries to Adrian.  We did meet a (Rich)Texan, John that had owed a dive shop in Waco and he bought a red long stem rose for all of us.  Adrian was his usually charming self and all the gals enjoyed meeting him.  Dinner was great and the music of a young man playing a guitar provided an enjoyable evening for all.  Adrian wouldn't let us leave without Tequila shots for all and some funny pictures with a giant tequila bottle.  Diving the next day, our boat had engine problems and we were loaded onto another big boat with other divers from the resort....not as much fun as our group.  Casa Mission provided wonderful ambiance with awesome food surrounded by beautiful gardens.  Dinner was very relaxing, with lots of laughs and interesting conversation.  Our last day of diving was the Devil's Throat.....a deeper dive into a underwater cave.  With flashlights in hand we entered the opening at about 90 feet winding our way around, going up and down deeper before finally exiting at about 125 feet.....a feather in our cap!  The last dive of the week was a long shallow dive with lots to see, including a nurse shark sleeping under a over hang.  The piece de resistance was a small group of pilot whales that we spotted on our way back to the resort....a great experience.  During the Happy Hour of wine, cheese and crackers in Patty's room Cheryl surprised us with beautiful gifts of pashminas....thanks Cheryl.  Patty as usual had little surprise gifts each day for us.....Thanks Patty!  Guido's was the spot for our dinner and we invited our divemaster, Manuel to join us.  The food was great, but a rain shower forced us to go inside which was very loud.  Our final day was spent relaxing, shopping, and lounging at the beach at the Monkey we began the packing process.  Dinner at Primo's was a perfect ending to a perfect trip with the ladies of Lady Go Divers.  A breathtaking view high above Cozumel with great food and drinks were enjoyed by all.  Amelia was served a large piece of Tiramisu after we sang Happy Birthday to her, which we all enjoyed.
After we strolled back to the resort we all grabbed a hammock down by the water to relax, talk, and laugh.
The week had flown by, new friends were made, stories were shared, and a great time with a group of amazing women was enjoyed by all.  Talk and plans of our next trip were already discussed.  As we each left the resort and headed to the airport our hearts were filled with bonds of sisterhood and friendship!