Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chillaxing on the Comal!

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Met up with Karen and we took off for our float trip on the Guadalupe River.  Arriving at our destination, Karen immediately noticed how low the river looked and how many rocks were exposed.  Stopping in at the tube rental place, they told us it would be a 6-7 hour float, with lots of butt dragging and rock bumping.  Older and wiser we decided to change our plans and we went back to New Braunfels to float the Comal River.  After a short adventure trying to find Texas Tubes with the GPS on my i Phone and involving a train...we arrived.  Rented tubes, stocked up our ice chest with goodies and we slipped into the refreshing cool water of the Comal for a 2 1/2 float.  The water was clear and cool with a flow that meant no paddling! No butt dragging this trip, although I did hit a large boulder coming out of one of the chutes.  We stopped   once for a snack break.  Getting out at the Last Exit and we climbed aboard our shuttle for a trip back to Texas Tubes.  We decided to try it again and did another 2 1/2 hour float....which seemed to go faster than the first.

After a quick shower and dry clothes it was time for some Texas BBQ at Cooper's.....brisket, sausage, pork ribs, pinto beans, potato salad and gallons of ice tea was just what we needed.  Stuffed we skipped the fruit cobbler dessert!  It was great CHILLAXING with my friend, floating along under the big Cypress trees that lined the bank.

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