Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sunrise on the Water

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Up very early, we unloaded the boat before the sun peaked over the horizon. We skimmed across the slick bay heading to our favorite fishing spot. The skies were clear and a hint of fall was in the air. A beautiful sunrise greeted us as we began to cast our lines in hopes of landing a nice red. I watched as the sun rose and grabbed my camera to catch a great photo of Dale silhouetted against the sunrise. Only minutes after our first cast we had a nice red in the ice chest. 
We drifted across the bay with the assistance of the North
wind catching a red now and then, but most had to be
thrown back to grow larger. Fishing done, a few reds in the ice chest, we headed back to the dock and loaded the boat. A stop at Bubba's in Seadrift for lunch was a perfect ending for a good day!

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