Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cayman With Friends

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After a generous invite from my friends Dennis and Tamara, I was off to Grand Cayman to get in one more dive trip for the year..landing I picked up my rental car and gathered up all my courage to drive out to the East End on the wrong side of the road.  Safely arriving I checked in, unloaded and unpacked my  great to see all my old friends at Compass Point and Ocean Frontiers.
I walked over to the Dietzel's condo where Dennis was preparing to grill steaks for dinner for all of us.  I had brought a bottle of a good Texas Merlot to enjoy with our was great to see my old diving buddies.
The next morning I checked in to my dive boat for the upcoming week, Eastern Skies where I would be diving with Dennis and Tamara.  The skies were clear, winds calm....making for great visibility underwater.  We got in two great dives before lunch.  After lunch Tamara rode with me to the grocery store so I could pick up some stuff for my condo.
Diving was good most of the week.....but I did have a rough ride my last day of divng with five foot seas.  I had signed up to do the Kittiwake Dive and was lucky enough to find some Texas folks to drive into Georgetown with to catch the dive boat after lunch.   I was a little disappointed in that not much growth had occured on the ship and not much marine life was living in the structure.   After our dive we had lunch at Guy Harvey's Restaurant.

I signed up to do a photography class with Elly Wray, a very talented young woman that is the photographer on staff at Ocean Frontiers.  I am always looking for ways to improve my underwater photography skills.  Elly had me take photos,  look at the screen and then adjust my settings to improve the photo.  On the end of our dive, another diver alerted us to a seahorse which is always a welcome find.  I took several photos , hoping to get a great shot.
Dennis and Tamara invited me over for a party they were having for the staff around the pool after they got off work.  It was fun sitting around the pool visiting with everyone and talking diving.
I invited Dennis and Tamara to join me for dinner at a local East End restaurant, Southern Coast Bar and Grill on their last night on the island.  It was a great way to end the week and express my appreciation for their generosity.
I got in 13 dives during the week.....seeing lobster, rays, sharks, anemones, seahorse and lots of creatures.  The water was nice and warm, and we had no current on almost all dive sites.  It was a great week of diving.....with good friends....old and new!!
On Friday night the resort had a BBQ for divers up on the pool deck around the training pool.  Ribs, Chicken, Curried Goat, Poatato Salad, Rice and Beans, Cornbread, and Cake were on the we watched photos and film of the dives the past week.  I enjoyed dinner with my new Texas Friends...Linda, Tammy and BJ.
After my last two dives on Saturday I drove down to eat at Vivines, a local place just down the rode.  I enjoyed my fried fish and fritters, with a ginger beer while overlooking the turquoise water of the Caribbean.
Packed and ready to go, I headed back to the airport to turn in my rental car before catching my flight home.  I was lucky enough to have all 3 seats to myself and strected out to watch a movie on the flight home.  We landed a little early and soon I was in my car headed home to my husband.  Another good dive trip in the books!!!
Goodbye Cayman!

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