Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Segunda Semana en Costa Rica!

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Tuesday- Up before the sun came up to start our second week in Costa Rica, we grabbed breakfast and headed out to catch Isidoro for a early morning fishing trip.  We parked near the beach, and soon we saw his boat coming into shore to get us.  Isidoro, was a local young man that had been fishing these waters all of his life....his boat was spotless and he had nice equipment.  He rigged the lines and put them out into the blue-green waters of the Pacific we went trolling along with four lines out.  Soon Dale and I both had a fish on......the fish ran with the lure and the battle was on, two nice size Spanish Mackerel were on board.  Isidoro gutted and cleaned them with such precision and speed, making sure to keep his boat clean at a all times.  The lines back out, Dale soon hooked another.  Trolling along the coast of Costa Rica, Isidoro pointed out the different land marks and beaches.  Next it was my time to reeling in the fourth fish of the day and soon I landed the final Mackerel.  At 9:30 am we were back on shore, with a big bag of filets and headed back up to the villa......a nice fishing trip!  I decided to fix a couple of the filets for lunch and they were delicious.  Thanks Isidoro for a great fishing trip!

Wednesday - Got to spend another wonderful day in Costa Rica....Pura Vida.  Ate a leisurely breakfast and headed to the beach at Playa Hermosa.  Found a shady spot and spread our stuff out to relax and enjoy the beautiful 4 mile beach.  The water was warm and the surf wasn't very we went for a dip in the Pacific.  Lunch was back at the villa followed by a dip in the pool.

Thursday - We headed out to San Isidro de General which is about 33K from Dominical up in the mountains for a huge farmer's market held every week.  With two sets of directions and our GPS off we went up the narrow, curvy, one lane bridge mountain road with lots of truck traffic.  We found the market and all I can say is WOW!  I have never seen so much stuff!  We bought a watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, plums, avocados, mangoes, pineapple, lettuce, beans, bananas, tomatoes, and a big pineapple. They had fruits and veggies that I wasn't sure what they were!  After the market we found two grocery stores for some items we needed.  The trip back was longer because we got behind some big trucks.....but we made it safe and sound! We stopped for a local lunch (Casados) at a little restaurant with a fabulous view..the food was very good and the coconut flan we split was yummo!  Dale was beat when we got back....the drive, most at about 35 mph was a killer!

Friday - Back to Playa Hermosa this morning for another beach day....the surf was much rougher today and we didn't venture to far out into the water.  I walked the beach again and Dale worked on his Sudoku puzzle.  Fresh cold coconut water sold by a local Tico woman was a treat!  We came back to the villa and I fried some of the fish we had caught...had to use polenta as I couldn't find cornmeal anywhere! Turned out great! A dip in the pool and nap followed!  Later that evening we drove down to Boca Verde a bar/restaurant for a little music and Texas Two Step.  They had a woman fiddler playing and she was very good....she had even played with the Jimmy Buffet band at one time.

Saturday - Hike at low tide out to the island in front of our villa! See that little island in the picture.....well when the tide is low you can hike out to it....or so we were told! After watching the tide charts we set off this morning, me with my trusty new walking stick, my anniversary present from Dale! We had to walk in water, with some small waves, the rocks were slippery most of the way, and their wasn't a flat spot anywhere! We made it...checked it out, interesting view looking back on the coastline and then it was time to head back to shore before the tide came back in and we would have to swim! My brainy ideas aren't always so great!!!

Sunday -  A lazy start....sitting on the porch drinking coffee enjoying the view followed by a wonderful fruit plate and juice for breakfast.  We relaxed, checked the internet, and Dale squeezed in a nap before lunch.  I fixed a nice big salad, pan seared fresh fish filet with browned garlic butter and black beans...Dale also had a ear of corn.  After lunch we sat on the porch and took it easy all afternoon.  Two para gliders came by and then landed on the beach out in front. About 5 we walked over to Dave and Debra's place, enjoyed wine and snacks as we watched a beautiful Costa Rican sunset.  Then we all went to Rio Lindo to listen to some local guys play......they were pretty darn good and a guy visiting from Chicago got up and sang with them....he was really good!  Back home again....another day in the books in Costa Rica!

Monday - We enjoyed a plate of delicious fruit with our coffee and juice before heading to Playa Hermosa for some beach time.  The water was still warm, and lots of folks were at the beach today.  Dale and I went out into the ocean and looking back at the expansive beach....made a major decision..... Playa Hermosa is the most beautiful beach we have ever been to!  We stayed until a little after noon, then drove into Uvita for a few items we needed at the grocery.  Dale was hungry for some fried we picked some up and took it back to the villa for lunch.  We spent the rest of the afternoon washing some clothes and beginning to pack for our move on Wednesday.  Our two weeks at Canto del Mar #30 is almost up, but looking forward to the next two weeks at Coconut Grove.

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