Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Slurping Down Oysters!

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A break in our miserable weather and we took off South to the Oyster Fest on Fulton Beach near Rockport!  Karen slurped down her first raw oyster yesterday! She decided she really liked them!
Never thought you could overdose on oysters.....but we did......having both fried and raw! Plus we indulged in curly fries and a couple of cold beers!  We did manage to check out the arts and crafts tent, watched a little belly dancing, and listened to some music. Karen even picked up a quart to take home to fix for her hubby! One last stop at the Home Store for some retail therapy......both of us making a purchase!  Great fun!

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