Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Santa, Sun, Salt Water, and Sand!

Packed our bags and took off to Aruba for Christmas, New Year's, and my birthday. Landed...picked up rental car, and checked in at Sunshine Beach Studios in Malmok. A trip to Super Foods for groceries and we were ready to call it a day.  During our stay.....we spent time at the beach, snorkeled, went on a Sunset Cruise, explored the island, enjoyed the pool and hot tub, and attempted to learn how to sail.  It was great to see everyone at Sunset Beach and we met several interesting guest during our two week stay.
We cooked most of the time and enjoyed meals on our porch with a awesome view of the Caribbean.  Christmas Eve we went to Madame Jeanette's and New Year's Eve we had a lovely dinner out over the water at Pinchos. A trip to Aruba would not be complete with out a meal at Smokey Joe's and some fresh fish and shrimp at Zeerovers.
With a hot tip from Eve, an early morning snorkel off Boca Catalina trip gave us a glimpse of two turtles. I also enjoyed some nice snorkeling at Arashi Beach and saw lots of marine creatures that I usually see when diving.  On my birthday, I went out snorkeling......the water was murky with not much to see, but on my when back I spotted a octopus just sitting on a rock....a great birthday present!
Sunset watching every evening with a glass of wine became our ritual with each sunset different from the last.  Others folks staying nearby joined us on the beach to watch the sun slip beyond the horizon.
Our sailing trip or lesson I should say can only be described in one word......CRAZY! Here is the story I wrote on Facebook about this adventure!
We survived! With Roderick our instructor, and a 14 ft Hobie Cat we were off...the winds blowing 27 mph........gusting to 38 mph! I can best describe this adventure as HAIRY! My vision of a leisurely, calm sail with a gentle wind in our hair was quickly replaced with being drenched constantly with salt water, hanging on for dear life, and trying to understand the concept of sailing and staying on the boat! After about an hour...Dale decided his lesson was over....but I should continue sailing up and down the coastline with Roderick! I have since renamed Roderick....."More Tighter" as he was constantly telling me to tighten the rope and catch more wind! I was able to stand the boat up on end twice almost dumping both of us in the water! With every turn we changed sides....which was suppose to be done quickly, before the sail filled and off we went! Gonna have some sore spots tomorrow...bigger muscles from pulling that dang rope and a blister of my hand from "More Tighter"! Think I'm checking this off my bucket list....been there....done that! Or maybe next time in a calm lake with a gentle breeze!
PS....Dale survived another one of Gayla's Bucket List adventures!
We followed Dutch tradition and had oliebollens for good luck in 2016 and apple flaps because they are just yummy!  Gouda cheese and items from the bakery were always tempting at the store. We even brought some Dutch Gouda back to Texas. Fireworks on New Year's Eve were amazing....the Aruban folks love their fireworks (Klap)!

Our final full day we relaxed, sat on our porch enjoying the view, said our good byes, and absorbed the sunshine in Aruba. We turned in the car, checked in for our flight and arrived home just before midnight!  We found Aruba on a cruise, and she continues to call us back! Hope to return soon!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Family Ho! Ho! Ho!

Christmas was celebrated last night at my daughter, Lanell's home. A big Mexican buffet, a crazy Chinese Christmas Exchange, and Christmas gifts filled the night. Mom's Tingle Body lotion and Brian's massage puppy dog were some of the crazy gifts! It was good to have everyone together and we enjoyed listening to some of Mom's stories.  We had a killer Punch Bowl cake for a yummy dessert. Ross was in from the Air Force Academy, Chuck and Kim drove in from Conroe. Nick told us about his plans for college and of course Lexi told about her traveling volleyball team. We were sad that Chelsea and Jordan were unable to make it, since they will be coming in next week and couldn't get off.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Fishing Was Work!

Off before sunrise, and back at sunset, made for a long day of fishing.  A nippy 38*.....also made for a chilly day out on the water in Port O'Connor.  Bundled up with a thermos of hot coffee we were on a quest for six red fish.  Running across the bay we looked like Eskimos trying to stay warm.  We had a hard time finding any fish and before lunch caught a boat load of 17-18 inch red fish.....which are illegal to keep.  We ran the coastline trying to find some bigger fish and finally found them.  They weren't really biting great......following the lure up to the boat and the spooking!  Finally they began to hit our gold spoons, but fishing today was work!  I lost one nice fish and my lure when my line broke....Dang!  We ended up with five nice fish!  Pooped we headed home as the sun went washing the boat until the morning!