Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Family Ho! Ho! Ho!

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Christmas was celebrated last night at my daughter, Lanell's home. A big Mexican buffet, a crazy Chinese Christmas Exchange, and Christmas gifts filled the night. Mom's Tingle Body lotion and Brian's massage puppy dog were some of the crazy gifts! It was good to have everyone together and we enjoyed listening to some of Mom's stories.  We had a killer Punch Bowl cake for a yummy dessert. Ross was in from the Air Force Academy, Chuck and Kim drove in from Conroe. Nick told us about his plans for college and of course Lexi told about her traveling volleyball team. We were sad that Chelsea and Jordan were unable to make it, since they will be coming in next week and couldn't get off.

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