Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Catching Day!

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It was a catching day at POC with 6 nice reds in the ice chest! It started off kinda slow with no keepers in our favorite spot! Then someone who shall remain nameless forgot our breakfast peanut butter and honey OJ and a cookie were substituted......Oooops! Then Dale proceeded to have two nice reds break his line....bad words followed! Then I managed the bird's nest from hell....which I couldn't get out! Dale had to cut the line and re-rig my pole! We finally caught a couple keepers and knocked off for lunch about Noon when we had four on ice! Lunch was great, but the traditional after lunch peppermints were missing.....the boat was searched only to discover the mints in a different spot! Finally we landed the final two reds and headed in at to clean fish....then home to clean the boat! Great day catching six!

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