Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Deadly Duo Big Bend Bound!

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Long drive today, but Karen and I made it safe and sound! Stopped at Balmorhea State Park and checked it out! On to Fort Davis, where we promptly got lost, but finally checked into our B&B, and then went to explore the old Pioneer Cemetery!

Wow.....what a day! After breakfast we went to the Fort Davis National Historic Site.....a great place for photos and lots of interesting Texas history. After that we drove the 75 mile scenic loop thru the Davis Mountains....a drive that should take 2 hours....took us 5.....with lots of photo stops. Our first stop was at the Fort Davis State Park and a visit to Indian Lodge where we watched a inquisitive roadrunner mess with a really big snake. McDonald Observatory was next of the agenda and we watched a thunderstorm brewing over the Davis Mountains...but somehow we avoided the rain all day! Lunch was under a big shade tree with a gentle breeze blowing and the birds singing. We arrived back at the B&B to visit with other guest, relax on the back porch, and check in with our husbands. In town we did our good deed for the day and drove an elderly couple to a local Mexican was just to far for them to walk. I had to do it one at a time because the back end of my car was loaded down....but they were very appreciative. Dinner tonight was in town at the Bistro, where we toasted the adventures of the day with a cold beer for Karen and the best margarita or two for me. Tomorrow we head to Presido, drive the River Road and then on to our Far Flung Casita outside of Big Bend!
After breakfast with all the other guest we loaded up the car and took off for Presido.... then on to Big Bend driving the beautiful, scenic, River Road. On the way we spotted a small herd of antelope grazing, and stopped to take a few photos. A large, slow moving object in the sky caught our eye and we discovered it was a blimp....kinda strange to see. Leaving Presido we took River Road and found some old abandon adobe buildings and a large cemetery with hundreds of graves marked only with a pile of rocks. Some had a well worn old wooden crosses. If only they could speak, I'm sure the story of so many graves would be very interesting. Next we spotted some unusual rock formations down by the Rio Grande and took off on the trail. We took photos and enjoyed the rugged beauty of the landscape. A young man from Australia joined us and we chatted with him..... he related his adventures in Canada and the USA! When made him promise rescue us if we got injured climbing over the rocks or falling off a cliff. I'm sure he thought we were crazy. Lunch stop was a tepee along the Rio Grande and where we watched a couple of rafts floating down the river. Looking forward to our raft trip on Friday. So to summarize the day....we spotted antelope, a blimp, climbed in and around old adobe buildings, met a cute Aussie that promised to rescue us and had lunch in a tepee. Tonight we are at Far Flung Adventures in Casita #6 outside Big Bend!
 Up early and off to Big Bend for the day! After a few stops for photos we headed up into the Basin...... Stopping in at the information desk to ask about the bear activity we had been hearing about.....all the high trails were closed because of the bears and he advised we might run into a bear on the Windows Trail. Told Karen all I had to do was run faster than problem. The Ranger said to stand tall and make a lot of noise. With our backpacks, water, sunscreen, camera, and binoculars we hit the trail. Big Bend has received a bunch of rain and the landscape is so much greener that a year ago when we were here. It was a long day on the trail and met lots of folks hiking. After the hike we immediately went into the Basin Store for a cold ice cream....we thought we deserved it since we had burned off lots of calories on the hike. We drove around a little more and headed back to our Casita for dinner, a hot shower, and a alcoholic beverage! Tomorrow we float the up bright and early!
PS.....we never saw a bear!

We had a all day river float booked today on the Rio Grande....pulled out about 8 am with 3 rafts and 4 Ducky canoes and guides. The trip was to include 2 beautiful canyons and cover about 11 miles. It was a beautiful day, clear skies and cool in the morning. Karen and I plus two other gals had a young woman named Deja as our guide. First stop was for a hike up a canyon on the Mexico side of the river....with guides pointing out the flora and fauna. Back in the raft we proceeded to enjoy the beautiful Rio Grande. About noon we stopped and the guides set up lunch, even had a tablecloth......which we all enjoyed sitting on the edge of the raft. Back on the water we proceeded down the river thru another canyon. At one point all the guides stopped and gave us a chance to paddle the raft! Of course, I had to give it a try.....those big oars in a big raft require a lot of strength in the arms and shoulders. We completed the 11 miles and made our way to shore, then back to Far Flung and our Casita. Tomorrow is our last day and we plan to spend it in Big Bend!
Into Big Bend before the sun came up! Stopped to chat with the Park Ranger......who we now know on a first name basis! Decided to try Old Maverick Road to Santa Elena Canyon....Wow a genuine goat trail. Slow and steady was the name of the game, but we conquered it! I will be getting Big Bend dust out of the nooks and crannies of my car for years. Santa Elena Canyon was beautiful with lots more water than last year in May. We checked out some old ruins of homesteads and decided it took a pretty tough person to have survived out here. Big Bend is truly rugged country!

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