Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Gypsy Sisters at Port Aransas 2017

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Back from Cayman a day, I left for Port Aransas to join a group of women called Sister's on the Fly.  I had rented a spot in a beach house with ten women that I had never bad could it be?   I figured it would be fun!!! A few of the women were there when I arrived and I decided to room with a gal from Austin. That night we went to StingRays for dinner and then sat around the beach house and talked.....very interesting. The next morning we took the golf cart and went to the beach....the wind was blowing like was like getting sandblasted!   That night we had a Pub Crawl scheduled and it was okay......I'm not much into dark, stinky, beach bars....but I had an okay time!

The next day my roommate and I headed to Rockport to look around and then enjoyed lunch at Paradise Key.  The theme that night was a Mermaid Crowning and we all met at a bar called Salty Dogs....most in their full Mermaid glory!  I had found a pair of mermaid leggings and wore that with a black tunic top....I thought that was wild enough for me! There were mermaids of all shapes, sizes, and ages!  I went back to the beach house early! Not my thing!  Chatting over and over......"We aren't Chicken of the Sea.....we are mermaids brave and free" little kids!  The next day we shopped in Port Aransas and hung out at our pool........before heading to The Gaff for a Pirates and Pizza get together.  Not to many came in costume and the pizza was good as we sat around picnic tables out back and listened to music.
The next day the weather was still funky and I decided to head home.....even though the big Gypsy event was that night on the beach.  I packed my stuff, including my gypsy costume, and told the gals goodbye. I was ready to get back home to Dale......a really interesting experience in the books!

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