Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Eel Time!

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Back home from Costa Rica for two days, I was off to Bonaire to go diving with Eels on Wheels on their annual trip!  My roommate, Jill and I were in Studio 701 and on the boat named Sea Gypsy for
the week.  Diving was great as usual, good visibility, no current, and lots of marine life! We usually did three dives a day and then hung out at the pool!  Jill and I made a trip to the big grocery store to get the makings for my Basil Margaritas...a big hit with the group!

The highlight of the week was a dive where we found 6 octopus on one dive...don’t know if I will ever top that!  The next day Enrique, the dive master found two frog fish!  Other highlights were seahorses, a big free swimming green moray eel, turtles and some rays.
Having lost a member of our group last year, Bad Bob, we decided to honor his memory with a tree and a thicket with the Reef Restoration project.  Our boat picked up Bridgett from the project and we made the dive and watched as the plaques were placed in his memory. RIP....Bad Bob, you are missed!

Almost every night a pilgrimage was made to Gio’s for some yummy gelato!  Quite the sight to see!

Our final night, which was Jill’s birthday we made dinner reservations at Capriccio’s and enjoyed a great dinner with a special dessert!
It was great to dive with my Eel’s friends again, some of which I only see once a year.

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