Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Bonaire Bound With Friends!

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With my dive friends, Dennis and Tamara we headed to Bonaire for a week of diving!  Dale and I flew to Miami and joined them on a flight to Bonaire.  Settled into our studio rooms 702 and 703 we unpacked and turned in early! Travel day is always long.

We were assigned to the boat Pressure Drop, with Orlando and Enrique for the week. Diving was great as usual, with Dennis spotting his first seahorse.  As usual we were lucky enough to see some octopus and frog fish, besides the usual marine creatures.

Probably the highlight of the week was having a pod of dolphins swim thru our group of divers! Tamara was lucky enough to get the photo!

Breakfast was at the resort during our stay and we did enjoy some great dinners at Patagonia, Mona Lisa, and Donna and Giorgio’s. Of course we made a few stops at Gio’s for gelato.

Our last full day we rented a car and did a tour of Bonaire....taking in Lac Bay, The Salt Pier, slave huts, flamingos, and the donkey sanctuary!

Bonaire did not disappoint and Dennis and Tamara enjoyed the diving!

 Donkey looking for another carrot!

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