Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Lady Go Divers Invade Curacao 2021

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After over a year delay because of Covid, the Lady Go Divers fifteen strong arrived at the Lions Dive Beach Resort.  The dive operation, Ocean Encounters provided us a big boat, and a great crew….Jeremiah, Charlotte, and Pol.  Diving began on Sunday with two morning dives each day. Hour long dives were standard, and the service onboard was great.  

After diving we enjoyed lunch and hung out at the beach under a big palapa.  Dinner was included at the resort, but some decided to enjoy some other local restaurants.

Diving was pretty easy at 40-60 feet mostly, viz was pretty and and we only had current on a few dives.  The divemaster called for a drift if the current was to strong.  We saw lots of creatures….seahorses, turtles,   lobsters,  rockfish, and juvenile drum.  Cecilia managed to find a Lancer Dragonet, about the size of 2 grains of rice swimming by a big sea fan!  She is great at finding the itty, bitty stuff!

Cecilia and I enjoyed dinner one night at Mosa and another night at Kome…but epicurean delights!  Charlotte, our divemaster gave us some dinner suggestions.  Our final dinner was at the Italian Restaurant at the resort.  

Our flight was late getting to Miami, luggage took 40 minutes and most in our group had issues with connections.  Thanks American Airlines!  I pulled into my home at 2 am.  After so long it was great to see all the gals and we quickly caught up with each other.

Let the countdown for LGD 2022!

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