Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Sand Blast 2022

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Karen, Seda, and I headed to Port Aransas for our beach cottage, The Blue Pearl.  I managed to get some shrimp off a shrimp boat before they arrived, and put them up in the freezer.  We picked up our golf cart at Bron’s, and grabbed a yummy seafood lunch thanks to Dale, at Fins with margaritas of course.   

Purchasing our 3 day pass we entered the area where the sculptors had begun their works of art.  The giant sand piles began to take shape and we guessed what the artist had planned. The wind was blowing all day, but the the temps were about perfect.  Walking along the vendors we made a few purchases…I got a new Port A Low Life cap as my old one was well worn. Arriving back at our cottage we decided to just eat some snacks for dinner.

On Saturday the wind blew even harder.  The sand sculptors were busy all day as their works of art began to take shape. I tried to capture some photos of the artist to show the intensity with which they worked. Lunch today was at Irie’s and then we cruised around the island.  After stops at the birding center to check out the local alligator and Charlie’s pasture we headed back to the Blue Pearl. 

Sunday the winds were howling with gust up to 40 mph.  Riding in the golf cart while being sand blasted was not the best.  We walked among the sand sculptors to admire their finished works and picking out our favorites.  We took a break for lunch at Stingrays before returning for the awards announcements.  Some of our favorites won, others did not! We wrapped up SandFest, or Sand Blast as I renamed it in my car! Coated in sand we ended Sandfest with a gelato at Coffee Waves.  I will be digging sand out of my ears for weeks!

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