Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Rapid City, SD to visit Ross

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My daughter, Lanell and I flew to South Dakota to visit Ross.  It was our first look at the home he purchased in Box Elder, SD near Ellsworth AFB. We were delayed in Denver and didn’t arrive until after midnight.  

Ross fixed us dinner and we turned in.  During our visit we went on the base to see where he works and his squad room. We visited a Air Force museum with a B1B bomber on display with lots of other planes. 

Ross took us to Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and the Badlands, with a beautiful drive thru Custer State Park. We shopped for some things for his home, adding a little color to spruce it up!  

We walked around downtown Old Rapid City with all the bars and cute restaurants.  The area had been revitalized and was bursting with activity. 

We had a lovely dinner at Delmonico’s, with delicious entrees and a bottle of wine. For our final dinner Ross grilled some great ribeyes we got from his favorite butcher shop.  Lanell and I fixed salads and baked potatoes.

It was great to see him and share a few days with him!

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