Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Fulton Oyster Fest 2024

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Headed South down to the coast for the Fulton Oyster Fest. Sun was shining, but the wind was blowing like crazy.  After arriving we found a spot to catch the parade, Americana on display….marching bands, fire trucks, politicians, and floats.  Good old small town Texas celebration!

Later we explored the Rockport Cemetery which always has a spectacular wildflower display. Beautiful setting with all the graves blanketed with wildflowers…..perfect for all the souls that rest there.
Oysters were served raw or fried….but inflation at hit and 2 raw oysters were $4!  Fried oysters were about the same price! Dale tried both oysters and shrimp!  I liked the raw with a cold beer to wash them down.

After eating we decided to enjoy the music and even got in a dance or two to some good old country music.  Little did we know a reporter and photographer for a Corpus newspaper took our picture. They found me……. got our names and hometown for the newspaper.  That was a surprise and I wondered if it would be printed.  Sure enough we were famous!  A pretty cute picture too!


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