Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Floating the Frio - 2007

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Dale and I arrived at Concan, unpacked and waited on Tim and Pam to arrive. We waited, and waited, and waited, finally calling them-------they got a late start and would arrive later than we had planned. We took off to rent some tubes so we would be ready to hit the river when they arrived.
Once they arrived, unpacked, put up the groceries and put on their swimsuits we took off for the river for a 1 1/2 hour float. The river was great, no dragging bottom this year. We pretty much sailed along, no problems, having a great time. We crossed a low water crossing and Tim managed to get caught, and Pam made her first water rescue. We made Frio Country and headed back to our cabin. We decided to enjoy Pam's casserole for supper, it was YUMMO!
The next day we decided to go up river and do a longer float, suppose to be about 3 1/2 hours. We all piled into the truck and set off to the river. Today we decided to take an ice chest with snacks and drinks to enjoy on our float, it did come in handy. Pam spotted a rope hanging from a huge Cypress tree and decided to try to swing out over the river, bad idea-Tarzan she ain't! She crashed, luckily she didn't kill herself. We floated and we floated, finally taking a snack break on the banks of the Frio, after changing tubes, mine had a slow leak, we headed out again

We approached a dam, the water was pretty swift, we surveyed the situation and decided to walk around it. Smart decision! We floated and floated, knowing our take out was just around the bend. No such luck! Tim had a tuff time, he seemed to be able to find the only place in the river with NO CURRENT. Time passed and we had already spent 3 1/2 hours on the river, but still no take out. The river widened and there was NO current, so it was either paddle or walk. We walked the last part of the trip and finally made it back to our take out. Everyone was tired, sunburned and a few had rocks in their shoes. After cleaning up we headed out to find a restaurant, no luck it was Sunday and Leakey rolls up the streets. We finally found a little local place and had a good supper.
The next day we decided a short float was all we could take, plus Pam and Tim had to hit the road after lunch. So Pam, Dale and I did the 1 1/2 float and Tim stayed at the cabin to play his guitar. It was a good float and we had the whole river to ourselves. Tim picked us up and we headed back to our cabin. Dale grilled hamburgers for lunch-YUMMO! Tim and Pam packed up and headed back North. Dale and I spent the rest of the day relaxing down at the river.
Tuesday morning we packed up and headed home, another "Floating on the Frio" trip in the books.

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