Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Swimming with Whale Sharks

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Dale and I are back from our trip to Holbox, Mexico where we had the experience of a lifetime- swimming with the gentle giants of the ocean - Whale Sharks. Our group of six left Victoria and headed to Cancun, Mexico on July 28, 2007. A van picked us up at the airport and we had a two hour ride to the port of Chilquila were we caught a boat to Holbox. After a couple days to unwind and relax we were off on our first Whale Shark Tour. We boarded the boat early, the sea was smooth as glass, for the hour ride out to find these giant creatures.
Dale and I were the first two to enter the water, after gearing up in our snorkel gear we sat on the edge of the boat waiting for the guide to give the okay to enter the water. The boat pulled along side, and we slipped into the water, after surfacing we swam closer to the whale shark for a better look. I had my camera, but taking individual shots was hopeless, only videos would work in the water. My heart was pounding as I swam like crazy to keep up with this massive creature. Finally the shark dove into deeper depths and we lost sight.
On our second try, I had the camera set for videos. Once again we entered the water and the race was on. This time I found myself almost on top of this big fish, he seem to come up under me, slowly and gently. I got some pretty good video. Although it was against the rules, I did touch the whale shark in an attempt to move away from him.
On another attempt Dale and I got very close, almost to close, as I received a gentle nudge from his tail. Wow, this was awesome! A real adrenaline high!
I had the chance to go out a second time, only this time we didn't see as many as the first, but it was still great. I tried to get some videos, but it was really hard.
Holbox was quaint, pretty laid back. Not much else to do, except the Whale Sharks.
We had a great week and left Holbox with a big smile, a new shirt stating we had swam with the Whale Sharks.

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