Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, September 28, 2007


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Well we got our new Dell laptop this week, it has been an adventure. We had the guy from our ISP come out and help with the wireless router, or should I say try to help.......................he had problems. Today we had a "Computer Geek" out for several hours and I think he has got it set up. We need to buy some additional software next week.
I know once we get all our bugs worked out, we will love it, especially for our travels.
It has been a busy week, don't know where it went. Only two weeks until we are off to Huatulco, can't wait.
I worked on the Australia trip, we made final payment on our flights to
Australia, the price goes up on October 1. We also got things squared with the wedding celebrant, Natasha.

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