Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Cowtown Week-End

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Dale and I went up to Burelson to visit Pam and Tim for the weekend, had about a 5 hour drive up, traffic wasn't to bad. On Saturday Pam and I took off for some serious shopping, the guys headed to Cabelas to check it out. Pam and I found some good bargains on some summer stuff, had lunch, and got back about 5 pm.
We dressed and took off to hear Tim play with
his old high school band in Keller. Dale and
I did get in some country and western dancing
at Judge Roy Beans. We didn't get back
home till almost 1 am. Sunday we enjoyed
a great lunch that Pam fixed before hitting
the road home. Ran into some rain, but the
drive wasn't to bad. Had a great time with
good friends!

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