Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Exploring Huatulco

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Cloudy skies, no rain today, so we grabbed the car and took off after breakfast for a day of exploring the area. First, we headed up to Santa Maria Huatulco, then onto Pluma Hildalgo for a scenic drive into the mountains. We had a little problem finding the road, even with Rebecca's directions, but after stopping we were on our way. The paved road wound through the mountains, across a river, as we continued to climb leaving the coast off in the distance. Pluma Hildalgo was once a major trade center, and sits above 4,500 feet, and is still home to some coffee farms(fincas). Pluma Hildalgo has a well known reputation for its organic coffee. We stopped in the town zocalo to have a brief look around, went into the church, and walked to a great lookout point. We headed back down to Santa Maria Huatulco and were stopped at a roadblock by the military. We had to show proof of the car registration, they did a brief search of our backpack and little ice chest, no problem. We drove back to La Crucecita and decided to walk around town, we ran into our old friend Juan, his son in law, and grandson. As we were walking around the town square we heard the sound of a chain saw and saw several men working at cutting up a large tree that fell during last nights high wind. A few seconds later, we heard a funny sound and another huge tree fell over, nearly missing a lady selling her goods in the square

We left La Crucecita and headed to Santa Cruz, which was pretty quite with no cruiseship in town. We walked around, went to the chapel, took a few photos and left. Then we went to La Bocana, a favorite spot for the local surfers, no surfers today, the surf was to rough. Finally we headed back to the Villa, Rebecca whipped a bowl of guacamole and fixed a great margarita. We sat around the kitchen and told her about our adventures.
Rebecca fixed another wonderful meal and we decided to turn in for the night. I did manage to get some great photos of a beautiful sunset.

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