Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Our Wedding Day

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February 14, 2008 has finally arrived and our wedding ceremony is only hours away in Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia. We arrived at our resort "The Pink Flamingo" yesterday after a brief drive up from Cairns..................on the wrong side of the road. Dale did pretty good, only making one minor error. Port Douglas is tropical, lush and very green after getting lots of rain this year. We had a meeting with our Wedding Celebrant, Natasha and talked with Mike our photographer and all systems are GO. This Natasha is much prettier than the one I sent you photos of in Sydney and smells much better.
We went for a walk of Four Mile Beach this morning after breakfast on our patio. The resort is lovely and I will post pics as soon as I can find a WiFi connection. I am off the have lunch, that Dale is preparing and then the preparations begin for the nuptials.
We have caught up on our sleep and will look better in the photos I hope, the plane ride to get to Australia is a killer, but worth the trip from what I have seen.
Dale did try to talk Natasha into adding "Obey" into the vows, but had no luck!

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