Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy 80th Birthday Mom!

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On Saturday night, February 2, 2008 we surprised Mom with a birthday party at Sky Restaurant. Mother arrived and was shocked to find her children,all the grandchildren and even all the great grandchildren, plus lots of friends. She couldn't believe some had traveled so far to help celebrate her 80th birthday. Nick and Laney had driven down from Iowa, with Landry and Haper, the newest great grandbaby. Jo and Eddie David had come in from Hot Springs, Arkansas to surprise Mom, their third trip down to Texas this month
We enjoyed drinks before dinner and caught up on the latest in everyones lives. Dinner was delicious and enjoyed by all. The menu included steak, shrimp, snapper, and chicken with all the trimmings. After dinner we served chocolate birthday cake, which was yummy!
Lots of pictures were taken, including the famous stair-step picture re-creation of many years ago when the grandkids were much younger. Lanell had gather a bunch of old photos of Mom and made of memory board which everyone enjoyed. The grandkids with children had all made scrapbook pages of the great-grandkids and put them in a special scrapbook for Mom. She loved it and will love to show off her brood.
A good time was had by all and we pulled off the surprise.
Happy Birthday Mom!

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