Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Brenham for a Burger

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Plans were made with friends, Jim and Jean from Kansas, Jim and Ruth from Hallettsville to fly to Brenham for lunch at the Southern Flyer 50's style diner. We got up Sunday morning to find Victoria had dense fog, so lunch would have to wait. The guys kept calling each other comparing the flying conditions............we decided to wait for it to lift. Finally around 11:30 am we were able to take off for Brenham. Jim and Jean decided to pass on lunch since we were getting such a late start.

We landed at Brenham right behind Jim, only to discover that Ruth had decided not to come. The restaurant was crowded, everyone seemed to have been grounded because of the fog.....good old South Texas weather.
We had a tasty hamburger while we talked airplanes.

After lunch we headed back to Victoria, landed and put Miss Ice Tea Too safely in the hangar.

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