Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Punching Holes in the Sky

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We left the airport this morning and flew down to meet Jim and Tim in Sinton. It was crystal clear, we could see the Gulf of Mexico when we took off, and the flight was smooth. Jim and Tim were waiting for us at the airport and we talked airplanes. Jim and Jean had decided to come down to Texas to escape the bitter cold of Kansas.
We took off and, headed out to Port Aransas to meet the wives and have a seafood lunch at The Wharf. Jean and Carolyn were at the Mustang Beach Airport when we landed, so we all piled into Jean's van and went to lunch. The shrimp and oysters were very good and we all left stuffed. We stopped at one of the stores in town for some photos with "Jaws". We said our goodbyes, hoping to see them later in the week and took off for Victoria, flying down the beach until we reached Port O'Connor. The thermals had built up with the afternoon sun and was kinda bumpy. We landed, cleaned up Miss Ice Tea Too and put her in the hangar for the night.
We had a nice day, saw old friends, got in some good flight time and stuffed ourselves with great seafood.

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